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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cold Sore Treatment - Know Various Cold Sore Stages Before Opting Treatment(fast cold sore treatment)

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Cold Sores First Stage:

The herpes virus lives, becomes active and moves in your nerve fibers to target areas to start its activity. This will be the first attack of the herpes virus. Under opportunistic conditions the virus will get replicate and get ready to shoot the sight. At this movement you will sense symptoms like burning, itching, tingling at the target area.

This stage will last for few hours to 2 days. If you act quickly at this stage and can prevent virus to proceed further. Apply ice at first sign of tingling for 15-20 minutes, repeat frequently through out the day. Apply vitamin E between applications.

Cold Sores Second Stage:

During the second stage, the cold sore symptoms will appear like a pimple or red swollen bumps at target area. These pimples are quite painful to touch. They are filled up with the virus causing the swelling of the area.

Cold Sores Third Stage:

Cold sores open up and fluid filled in is oozing out causing infection at a new site or spreading the infection to the person who comes in contact. At this stage the immune system starts working on the site.

Cold Sores Fourth Stage:

Replacement of the damaged cells begins. At this stage you may continue feeling mild fever, headache, runny nose and painful lymph nodes. These symptoms subside frequently each day by now on.

Cold Sores Fifth Stage:

At this stage the process of healing is at its peak and a scab will fall off revealing new skin. A small pink spots will appear at the site of infection showing the process of healing. The redness must have gone before you are totally clear.

Generally Cold Sore Symptoms lasts for few days to 2 weeks and usually starts heal on their own with in a few days. Any one with cold sore will have the same set of symptoms or slightly differ. The quicker you can heal your cold sore symptoms, and the fewer you get.

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Cold Sores - Treatment For Any Kind of Breakout(fast cold sore treatment)

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I'm pretty sure that everyone has developed a cold sore at one point in their lives; today, were going to discuss different cold sores treatment to help you reduce or eliminate these annoying sores all together. Of course, with any course of treatment we need to figure out exactly what is a cold sore, and how do they develop before we can state a course of action against it. Cold sores are fluid blisters that appear either around your lips, mouth or nose. A cold sore is brought on by a viral infection. Out bodies are not immune to the viral affection associated with cold sores therefore they often recur.

Keep in mind, that most cold sores normally last for about 7-10 days and dissipate in their own due time. But, for those of us who can not stand the pain and the itching associated with the sores, there are treatments available to suppress the symptoms and a few that deem that they can cure and prevent the sores from reappearing.

Abreva, is a popular non-prescription treatment for sores. You can find Abreva at any local drug store. This treatment has been noted to reduce symptoms and eliminate the length of the cold sore outbreak. The topical cream is to be applied five times a day once symptoms start to develop for up to ten days. Another topical cream that can be used in eliminating this annoying sore for once and all is called Zovirax. Just like Abreva, this cream deems that it can help reduce the pain and symptoms associated with the sores. The main variation between using this cream is you need to apply it anywhere between 4-6 times daily depending on the severity of the sore.

There are also oral treatments for those of you who like a structured way to medicate. A few oral treatments you may try are Acylcovir, Famciclovir, and Valacyclovir. These drugs are available through your doctor; we might know them by their simple names which are Zovirax, Famvir, and Valtrex. All of the oral treatments are to be taken at the first sign of a sore and state they need to be taken to help with the current breakout as well as preventing reoccurring breakouts.

When we were all kids, cold sores were not a thing to be much less worried about. It's funny how things drastically change in the scientific world almost overnight. We are sure with trying a few of the treatments mentioned, everyone can find the appropriate measures to administer for their own cold sore breakouts.

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Cold Sore Symptom Identification - Best Cold Sore Treatment Ideas(fast cold sore treatment)

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Cold sore symptoms are pretty easy to identify, especially for those experiencing repeat outbreaks. There are symptoms you will notice before the soars have even appeared, and other symptoms that will last the duration of the sores.

When symptoms begin to appear there are several different types of treatments that you can try. Only you can determine what the best treatment is for you. Let's take a look at some typical cold sore symptoms and different ways you can treat them.

It is very common to have the first symptoms of an HSV-1 outbreak before the soars even appear. Up to 48 hours before the blisters reach the surface of your skin, you can begin to experience uncomfortable sensations. These sensations can be described as burning, itching, tingling, tenderness or numbness. As the blister(s) begin to form the area around them can turn red.

Eventually fluid filled blisters will appear. The blisters generally appear on the lips or the side of the mouth. Over time they will dry up and scabs will form. The scabs can last for several days. Some other cold sore symptoms you may experience during a cold sore outbreak include a sore mouth and/or sore throat, a fever, and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms can also last the duration of the outbreak.

Now that we have looked at the different cold sore symptoms, you will want to know what treatments are available. Cold sores typically will clear up by themselves in about 7-10 days. However, there are different treatment options that can help shorten the duration and ease some of the symptoms. Traditional treatments include products which contain docosanol, a compound that is promising in shortening the duration of cold sores.

You can also purchase over the counter numbing agents that help to lessen pain and other uncomfortable sensations that occur with cold sores. Many people also look to homeopathic remedies for cold sore relief. Using ice, aloe, teabags, lemon balm, and tea tree oil directly on the sores can be helpful. There are also several supplements including l-lysine, astragulus, acidophilus and zinc that are known to also be beneficial in cold sore treatment.

You should now have a better understanding of cold sore symptoms and what you can do to best treat outbreaks. Identifying symptoms early on can allow you to begin treatment before sores even appear. Many times this will give you the best results. As you now know, there are also many other treatment options you can try to help ease pain and shorten the duration of your outbreak.

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Cold Sore Treatment - Lemon Balm Ice(fast cold sore treatment)

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A good cold sore treatment can really be a blessed relief for cold sore victims like you and me.

And, if you're like me, you want a cold sore treatment that will not only give you a lot of comfort right now, but will hopefully shorten the healing time so you can get on with your life. That's the beauty of this well proven cold sore treatment.

I'm always searching for a better cold sore treatment. I have many good friends at Mayo who I've partnered with for research purposes over the past 33 years. But it's important to keep in mind that the following cold sore treatment methods are not presented as medical advice - only as information for your consideration. There is no substitute for a one-on-one relationship with a medical professional.

By far, the most popular cold sore treatment is the application of ice. It slows down metabolism, numbs the area, discourages the virus from replicating, and is readily available. Apply ice for 10 minutes at a time to your cold sores, maybe 3 times an hour, as a very basic cold sore treatment.

With this cold sore treatment, if I could catch the cold sores at the first tingle and apply the ice, it delayed - and sometimes prevented - the cold sores from actually moving into the blister stage. If a blister does form, this cold sore treatment still works great for providing blessed comfort. Because it does slow down metabolism, it also will slow down the healing of your cold sores. Best not to use it as much during the healing phase of your cold sores as a cold sore treatment.

A fishing buddy of mine - a Mayo doctor - while on an outing on the Mississippi, revealed his secret cold sore treatment.

His cold sore treatment involves the use of lemon balm tea.

These tea bags can be found for cheap anywhere you find specialty teas. If the lemon balm is not "stand alone" but in a blend with other herbs, that will usually be just fine too - as long as lemon balm is the primary.

Dr. W. explained that he discovered lemon balm herb has anti-viral properties and is a natural cold sore treatment. He took a 16 - 20 ounce container of bottled water. He then brewed a strong batch of lemon balm tea using one tea bag per 4 ounces - then froze the tea bags - using these in place of the plain ice cold sore treatment.

You get the comforting effect of ice plus, as the tea-bag melts, the application of the anti-viral properties of lemon balm. He stored the tea back in the original bottles for convenience and further cold sore treatment.

Additionally, Dr. W. - to supercharge this cold sore treatment - would sip the lemon balm tea and apply the tea liquid to the cold sores with a cotton ball between lemon balm ice sessions.

If you're the rare person who gets cold sores inside the mouth, you'll find they are very difficult to deal with. This may be exactly the cold sore treatment for you. Use the lemon balm tea as a mouthwash, then swallow for an additional boost. Listerine has worked well as a cold sore treatment, both in the mouth and applied externally, but it stings like crazy.

I also found that freezing the tea and sucking on the lemon balm ice chips is very effective and comforting as an in-the-mouth cold sore treatment.

I tried his cold sore treatment and it worked great for my family too, back when we used to get cold sores frequently. Quite a vast improvement on the old ice method.

This cold sore treatment, using lemon balm frozen tea bags, is a much better choice than plain ice during the healing stages of your cold sores. Although you are slowing metabolism, you are also killing many viruses with this cold sore treatment.

There are many other reported highly effective cold sore treatment methods that you can try. These include tea tree oil, dmso, olive leaf oil, lysine, zinc, yogurt, aloe vera and more. Lysine and zinc do not work well applied directly because the size of their molecules are too large for effective absorption. Lysine and zinc are better used as internal support supplements.

We have tested every over-the-counter cold sore treatment - at least all that we could find. We found they are great for comfort but none of them did anything to actually kill the virus or speed healing.

Keep in mind that the best and most effective cold sore treatment will be topical - directly applied - for any open surface lesion like a cold sore.

I hope you, too, will find this to be an excellent, cheap, and useful cold sore treatment.

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