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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cold Sore Symptom Identification - Best Cold Sore Treatment Ideas(fast cold sore treatment)

fast cold sore treatment

Cold sore symptoms are pretty easy to identify, especially for those experiencing repeat outbreaks. There are symptoms you will notice before the soars have even appeared, and other symptoms that will last the duration of the sores.

When symptoms begin to appear there are several different types of treatments that you can try. Only you can determine what the best treatment is for you. Let's take a look at some typical cold sore symptoms and different ways you can treat them.

It is very common to have the first symptoms of an HSV-1 outbreak before the soars even appear. Up to 48 hours before the blisters reach the surface of your skin, you can begin to experience uncomfortable sensations. These sensations can be described as burning, itching, tingling, tenderness or numbness. As the blister(s) begin to form the area around them can turn red.

Eventually fluid filled blisters will appear. The blisters generally appear on the lips or the side of the mouth. Over time they will dry up and scabs will form. The scabs can last for several days. Some other cold sore symptoms you may experience during a cold sore outbreak include a sore mouth and/or sore throat, a fever, and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms can also last the duration of the outbreak.

Now that we have looked at the different cold sore symptoms, you will want to know what treatments are available. Cold sores typically will clear up by themselves in about 7-10 days. However, there are different treatment options that can help shorten the duration and ease some of the symptoms. Traditional treatments include products which contain docosanol, a compound that is promising in shortening the duration of cold sores.

You can also purchase over the counter numbing agents that help to lessen pain and other uncomfortable sensations that occur with cold sores. Many people also look to homeopathic remedies for cold sore relief. Using ice, aloe, teabags, lemon balm, and tea tree oil directly on the sores can be helpful. There are also several supplements including l-lysine, astragulus, acidophilus and zinc that are known to also be beneficial in cold sore treatment.

You should now have a better understanding of cold sore symptoms and what you can do to best treat outbreaks. Identifying symptoms early on can allow you to begin treatment before sores even appear. Many times this will give you the best results. As you now know, there are also many other treatment options you can try to help ease pain and shorten the duration of your outbreak.

fast cold sore treatment
